Suggest your Savannah Georgia website. Listings are free!
When you click Submit Site your recommendation will be sent to us. We will review your suggestion and if accepted, decide which topic is most
appropriate for the site. Feel free to recommend a topic in the comments field. Sites are typically added within 3-5 weeks. Owners can
expedite their addition for a small charge by contacting us directly on the
Contact Us information page.
Websites hosted and provided by GotoSavannahGa.com are automatically listed in the directory and
will appear ahead of free listings. See our advertising page
for information on renting higher placement in a topic for your website.
Adding your website to our directory is free, however only websites that have specific
information or interest to savannah Ga, the Lowcountry region or coupon and deal sites
are accepted. Multiple domain names pointing to the same website count as the same
site. We reserve the right to refuse, censor or edit link information as we deem
suitable for this directory.
Website owners may contact us at any time to have their link
changed or removed.
Join the GotoSavannahGa network. We permit other websites to frame
our content for free. For example, if you want to provide a list of "golf"
links on your villa rental page, you can simply "frame" our golf page on
your site. That way, we maintain the list of links for you and keep all
the dead links weeded out. And your content is constantly improving as we
add new links. Just ask your webmaster to do this for you or
contact us via email and we'll
give you code you can add to your website. It's free, easy and it
can make your website much more polished and useful to visitors!
Confidentiality: We will never knowingly provide your email address to anyone without your permission. We may, however, use your address to contact you about your submission. |